Illegal Gambling Den Raided in Cardiff

Coordinated Crackdown

illigal gambling raided in cardiffA covert operation by the Tarian Regional Organised Crime Unit (ROCU), in a joint effort with the Gambling Commission, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and Cardiff City Council Licensing, has led to the successful raid of an illegal gambling establishment in Cardiff.

Operation Details

In the early hours of Wednesday, 28 February, law enforcement officers executed six warrants across Cardiff, centering their focus on a suspected illegal gambling den situated in the industrial area of Splott. The operation was sparked by actionable intelligence pointing towards the clandestine activities within the locale.

Arrests and Seizures

The raid resulted in the arrest of two men, who are currently under suspicion for money laundering and violations of the Gambling Act. The gambling den, hidden within the upper floor of an industrial unit in Splott, was thoroughly searched. Authorities managed to seize and remove a significant amount of gambling paraphernalia, underscoring the operation’s success in dismantling the illegal activity.

Among the items confiscated were six poker tables, a spinning prize wheel, various poker coins and chips, and multiple flatscreen televisions, all of which are believed to have facilitated the illicit gambling operations.

Commitment to Combat Illegal Gambling

Kay Roberts, the Gambling Commission’s Executive Director of Operations, underscored the commission’s unwavering commitment to eradicating illegal gambling activities throughout the UK.

“We are committed to tackling illegal gambling activity across the UK and will continue working closely with law enforcement and partner agencies to achieve this,” Roberts stated, emphasizing the collaborative effort required to address such sophisticated criminal endeavors.

Impact and Ongoing Efforts

This operation marks a significant victory for the authorities in their ongoing battle against illegal gambling rings and their associated crimes. The partnership between ROCU, the Gambling Commission, HMRC, and the Cardiff City Council Licensing proves to be an effective force in maintaining the integrity of the gambling industry and protecting the public from the perils of unauthorized gambling activities.

For further details, the public is encouraged to visit the South Wales Police website.